Who Should Eat a Dick
on May 22, 2009 at 3:30 amEvery Thursday, Chris Moreno lists individuals whose behaviors have been so deplorable that they should eat a dick.
— For blaming Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as to why he abandoned his first wife and marrying another woman, “forgetting” to divorce the original, William Rivera should eat a dick, and hope he forgets he did.
— The
— A home state Eat a Dick goes out to NJ Assemblyman Joe Vas and his aide Melvin Ramos for “allegedly” laundering campaign cash and making deals with local businesses for under-the-table gifts and favors. The two should eat each others’ dicks and paint my fence for free.
— Galina Rusanova, the British woman who downed a kickass cocktail of prescription drugs, wine, and lavatory soap and scrapped with flight attendants on a United Airlines flight, should take a swig of Merlot and Palmolive, and eat a dick.
— The
Think someone needs to eat a dick? Email suggestions to dicketer@gmail.com or post in the message board.