Hey Bros!

Welcome to Twitter in Focus, where media comes to die.  Today’s tweeter is comedian Christian Finnegan, probably best known as the guy that Charlie Murphy choked out in the Dave Chappelle Show parody of the Real World.  He’s funny, he’s tweeting.  Let’s take a look.


December 14th:  “Are you a dummy? If not, then catch me at the DC Improv tonight through Sunday! #DC #NoDummiesAllowed

Dammit.  Well the rest of you can go.

December 15th:  “GRACIAS!! // RT @DanIsPrettyCool “Five Below the Radar Comedians You Should Be Listening To” http://bit.ly/sx3WVR @AmericasComedy

You’re the only comic on that list that I’ve heard of, but still pretty good.

December 15th:  “If you’re not utterly disgusted with yourself after eating rotisserie chicken, you’re not doing it right.”

Usually only when I eat the entire thing myself with my hands and no shirt.

December 15th:  “The fact that this makes me giggle is a clear sign that I don’t deserve to stay in a hotel this nice. http://moby.to/24rwly

Tee-hee!  Tee-hee!

December 16th:  “RIP Christopher Hitchens, Hall of Fame provocateur. Love him or hate him, the dude had his intellectual ducks in a row.”

I’m more of a fan of George Galloway.

December 16th:  “White Guy Whose Dad Got Stabbed Gets Stabbed #PredictYourOwnDeathHeadline

I don’t want to predict, I prefer to be surprised.

December 16th:  “Baseball fan? Then you must check out the latest vid from @sullybaseball. As usual, it’s hilarious and spot-on. http://j.mp/uAx4no

He’s got a point.  Besides, if he was worth anything, the Yankees would’ve already bought him.

December 17th:  “In action movies, the appearance of a glass coffee table is a sure sign that a fight is about to break out.”

That or an aquarium.  It’s the movie rule of Lethal Weapon.

December 18th:  “I start as many books as Oprah. And I finish as many as Steve-O.”

Bah-dum-dum!  Keesh!  Nice one!  Although I wouldn’t open with it.

23 Hours ago:  “My last show at the DC Improv tonight and still no sign of Obama. WHAT’S THE POINT OF EVEN HAVING A MAILING LIST??”

Yeah, he’s a dick.  Still hasn’t responded to my Mafia Wars invitation on Facebook.

5 hours:  “Are you a book-readin’ type of individual? And do you like awesome stuff…that happens to be FREE? Well, check it: http://tinyurl.com/72ahng5

Free stuff?  This tweet has everything.

Okay, let’s rate Christian’s tweets.  Pretty good.  He’s got some comedy, some personal links.  Seems pretty genuine.  And if you’re a fan, he pimps his show dates, so go see him.  I give him a 7 for Insanity, a 9 for Mustness and an 8 for Style.  That’s an overall score of 8.  Well worth following.

And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.