Hey Bros!

Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die!  Today’s contestant, Sarah Andersen, hilarious webcomic creator.  Let’s see what she’s tweeting.


September 6th:  “*buys tube of wrapping paper* just gotta whack this on everything in sight including myself”


September 6th:  “Anybody got any spooky podcast suggestions to take up my Fall season? :D”

No, but I hear Gilbert Gottfried has one that’s the shit.

September 7th:  New comic


September 7th:  “A period comic collection :) # via

Funny.  Gross, but funny.

September 7th:  “I’m sick again and this is how I feel

Dear, Lord.  I hope you got to a plastic surgeon immediately.

September 8th:  “The period saga has spread to !!!!

There is an audience for everything.

September 9th:  “When you’ve got the flu and feel an unmistakeable cramp that indicates something else is on its way too

I’m so glad I’m not a woman.

September 9th:  “I am so glad people think about me when the uterus monster arrives :’)”

Seems to be a theme.

September 9th:  “FYI: there are a lot of translations of my book being released, some are already out. I’m working on compiling a list and where to buy!”

Period cramps in any language means sales!

September 9th:  “Should have that to you guys soon.”

Relax, we already have the English version.

September 10th:  New comic

Why do you lie to your bunny?

September 12th: “I’ll be at this weekend at table w81! Come say hi!

I did that show back in the day.  It’s not bad.

September 12th:  “Drawfee episode with and myself! Thank you

For a second, I thought that first word was “Dwarfee”.  I was picturing an impossibly cute little person.

7 hours ago:  “”Curated” thrift stores that charge $50 for an ironically hip shirt

Does curated mean lying bastards?

Okay, let’s rate Sarah’s tweets.  Pretty awesome.  Very much her style of comedy and I highly recommend her webcomic.  I give her an 8 for Mustness, a 9 for Style and a 10 for Insanity.  That’s an overall score of 9, follow Sarah.

And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email me here.