Hey Bros!

Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die!  Today’s contestant is from one of the first families of comedy, the Wayans!  It’s Marlon Wayans!  Let’s see what he’s tweeting!


January 14th:  “On our worst days we still find a way to make each other laugh. Thankful for my brothers from…

Always remember the fam, bros.

January 15th:  “Growing up my favorite wrestler was JIMMY SUPERFLY SNUKA. If only knew how many times I jumped…

I know, right?  Can’t believe he’s gone. 

January 15th: “Hey how The cowboys doing? U good?”

Eh.  I’ve also subscribed to Jerry Seinfeld’s take.  It’s just people rooting for uniforms.

January 15th:  “Happy birthday Dr. King you did soooo much. I hope we continue to march in the same way towards…

That’s a nice pic of him.  Never saw that one.

January 15th:  “after allllll the SHIT TALKING I heard from and and all the other…

Man, that must’ve been some game.

January 15th:  “I used to… let’s see where this takes me

Well, ya know, comedians.  Kinda have to.

January 16th:  ““We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive…

Good quote.  Too true.

January 16th: “This nigga makes me laugh  

So many sports.  I just think, look at all this stuff I don’t care about.

23 hours ago:  “On set in thought how can I make it even funnier nbcmarlon

Nice.  If only every sitcom actor did this.

Okay, let’s rate Marlon’s tweets.  I give him an 8 for Mustness, a 9 for Insanity and a 10 for Style.  That’s an overall score of 9, follow Marlon.

And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email me here.