Ten Things I Expect to Happen at the Juggalos March
on September 16, 2017 at 12:44 amThe Juggalos are on the march and they’re pissed. Well, they’re usually kinda pissed, but now even moreso. Here’s what I except will happen during the march.
- White pancake make being sold out in the Washington D.C. area
- Lots of confusion from fans of American Horror Story
- Demanding national anthem be changed to Hokus Pokus
- Most of the marchers jumping the turnstiles in the Metrorail
- Handing in petition to make Violent J Secretary of the Interior
- News reporters walking around asking “No, seriously, WTF is this supposed to protest?”
- Faygo sales spike in the D.C. area
- Insisting someone explain fucking magnets to them.
- Confused Japanese tourists wondering why marchers call everyone ninja
- President Trump asking everyone “What kind of fucking circus is this?”