Your Fratoscope: September 9, 2018
on September 9, 2018 at 2:01 amIf your birthday is this week: This week, people will remember the tragedy of your birthday.
Aries: The ghost of Burt Reynolds will appear to you and shame your for having no mustache.
Taurus: You will be debriefed by an extremely confused staff member from the Pentagon who mistakes you for a Trump relative.
Gemini: Twitter tells you that it’s not banning your account, but it will reduce you to a four character limit.
Lemini: Someone replaces your eye drops with salad dressing giving you flavorful vision.
Cancer: You’ll have a dream about boxing and wake up with several holes in your bedroom wall.
Leo: Your fish will sublet part of your house to his walrus buddies.
Virgo: Your cologne will attract a flock of geese.
Libra: Your weird bus driver will ask if you wouldn’t mind farting in his direction again.
Scorpio: You’ll find out your amateur porn is popular, but only for making people last longer.
Sagittarius: A group of people sign a petition to ban you from most dating apps.
Capricorn: You’ll accidentally make out with the water delivery person again.
Aquarius: You’ll run out of new categories of porno to view and tissues.
Pisces: Reading this will be the most exciting part of your week. Well and the ninjas.