Your Fratoscope: November 20, 2011
on November 20, 2011 at 12:01 amIf your birthday is this week: You will become sexually attracted to a cabbage and knock over a display in the produce section.
Aries: You will have a nightmare about someone machinegunning your house, then you’ll wake up and realize that you overslept for your drug deal.
Taurus: This week, there will be some rocky waters ahead. Mostly because you drove your yacht drunk again.
Gemini: Sick of your roommate’s dirty laundry, you will mail it to his mother, postage due.
Lemini: You will contemplate suicide until watching the movie, Melancholia. Then you become sure that you want to die.
Cancer: The stars say, your Occupy Amber Heard’s Panties movement is popular, but incredibly illegal.
Leo: Vladamir Putin will come to your place and kick your ass. You know why.
Virgo: Turns out that fish you bought last week was a gerbil and it finally drowned in that fish bowl you kept it in. It’s time for new glasses.
Libra: You will find a note in a rollercoaster written in blood that says, “Jump before the second hill!”
Scorpio: Your dentist will discover that you’re a whore, mostly because of all the encrusted semen he has to remove from your teeth.
Sagittarius: After concentrating on a pencil for years, you finally move it with “the Force”. Shortly thereafter, Lucas Arts lawyers arrive at your home and make you sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Capricorn: You’ll discover that baby you purchased was really a robot. That’s probably for the best.
Aquarius: This week you’ll spot a waiter that looks amazingly like Robin Williams, but it turns out, Robin Williams is the manager.
Pisces: You will haunted by the images of Pilgrims in your dreams, most because you’ll eat your weight in stuffing.
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