Hey Bros! Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today we examine the tweets of the former host of the Kennedy Experiment, Jamie Kennedy. Let’s see if he tweets live up to his show or at the very least his movies.

July 12th, 9:50pm: “I don’t know why I was killed in scream 2. Its jus happened. I didn’t write script.”

Well, someone had to die and no one wanted to see the characters with great boobies get it.

July 15th, 7:44pm: “oil has stopped leaking for the first time..amazing”

Still, you should probably have that looked at.

July 16th, 5:42pm: “11 percent body fat…don’t be jealous.”

Pff. I got waaaaaaaaay more than that! You got a lot of pizza to eat to catch up to me!

July 18th, 4:45pm: “On southworst tweeting illegally, I wud rather fly in a tank. Kevin smith was right.”

I’m with ya. If I had your money, I’d pay a guy to drive me rather than fly.

July 21st, 10:25pm: “Is it against the law to wear a bra in sou beach?”

Only if you’re hot.

July 22nd, 2:35pm: “there pics of the kardashian sisters all over miami in bikinis. i was jus miami at le sandwhicheia, having a cuban pork panini, thats news”

If you had boobs, it would be a different story. Plus, you’d still be in Scream. Think about it.

July 26th, 3:53pm: “Met this guy at #comicon ….this is either a Grateful Dead Head that really let himself go or a off duty sniper http://yfrog.com/5i682dcj”

Maybe it’s just a very bad Swamp Thing costume.

July 27th, 12:50am:”this was my only friend in “78”…he never left my side or hurt me although he did scratch me, but i des http://twitpic.com/2921ph”

Aw, sad.

July 27th, 4:43pm: “real or foto shopped http://twitpic.com/298kja”

It’s real. That’s the guy that dented my hood! Well, I guess technically she did.

July 28th, 12:58am: “You get one two many sea breezes in you and before you know it you boning Blanca from Street Fighter #electricsex http://yfrog.com/44gnlkj”

I think we’ve all been there.

July 28th, 10:22pm: “Ran into Biz Markie @ Wallgreens, laughed when he yelled “You got what I nee-eed,”…until the Pharmacist handed him Valtrex #justafriend”

I’m gonna say fotoshopped.

July 30th, 1:07am: “Just got laid in the fiction section of the library…or did I? #I didn’t”

Again, I’m gonna say, fotoshopped. It was the reference desk. Plenty of time to do it there.

July 30th, 8:31pm: “Check me out on Eureka tonight @ 9! I like to party! http://bit.ly/91zSrD”

Oh, nice. That’s a good show. Regular spot or just guest starring?

August 2nd, 5:39pm: “this is an ad for donuts in thailand…do u think they sell more donuts this way? http://twitpic.com/2b2cur”

Well, to some people, I imagine yes. As for me, I just threw away a brand new box of Munchkins.

August 2nd, 8:59pm: “Just sat down at my barbers, I asked him to make me look like Dom Draper….he just laughed at me…dick #gettinganewbarber”


August 4th, 8:04pm: “The lady at lunch today asked me why I looked familiar…I told her I was the back guy in Step Up 3D…she responded with “That’s it”…nice”

Back guy? Did you mean to type “black guy”?

August 5th, 6:52pm: “Ran into my optometrist at comicon…always with impromptu eye exams…whatever sweet face makeup http://yfrog.com/na99kkj”

Man, they’ve really expanded the scope of that show.

August 9th, 3:07pm: “I hate that most of the people on twitter who talk shit, make so u cant direct message them. bok bok bok”

That’s the internet for ya. Nothing but haters.

Jamie also ran a “what am I thinking contest”, but it was kind of a spur of the moment thing, so I figure that I’d cut that. Let’s rate his tweets. He’s pretty straight forward, interesting tidbits, sometimes funny, sometimes there’s pics. I give him a 6 for Insanity, 7 for Style and an 8 for Mustnesss. This is an overall score of 7. Definitely worth following. And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.