Company That Makes Nothing Worth Something
Government Agency Wants You Thin and Sexy
Computer Geek Steals Money Only Computer Geek Would Want
Politician Enjoys Cutting and Pasting
Man With Drug Problem Continues to Spiral Down
Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is the lovely Judy Greer, voice of Cheryl Tunt on Archer and also the wacky secretary, Kitty, on Arrested Development, amongst many other roles. She’s funny on TV, let’s take a look at her lovely tweets.
October 31st: “Ok. Happy Halloween everybody! Gotta get my ass out of bad and pack. Going home today! I will miss Vancouver and it’s pretty, slippery money”
Did the Canadians start coating their money in some kind of rubber?
October 31st: “Almost home. Did I miss LA? Yes. Did I miss the traffic? HELL NO!! WHAT THE F??!! Shouldn’t you all be trick or treating right now??!!!”
You should know better, Judy. Everyone in L.A. trick or treats from their cars.
October 31st: “Whoever invented Halloween (specifically trick-or-treating) didn’t have dogs.”
If they did, chocolate would probably not be as big of a factor.
November 1st: “Also, if you have to drive anywhere near LAX, don’t.”
I take that as good advice all year long.
November 2nd: “Damn that leftover Halloween candy!!!”
Wait, wasn’t that the point of Halloween?
November 2nd: “Are you ever so crabby that you call someone to vent, but then that person just says, “get over it.” And it makes you want to SCREAM?!”
That sounds like you called Archer.
November 2nd: “Oh, and don’t ever make an appt at the Genius Bar on a Saturday. And if your baby is screaming, maybe take them out of the Genius Bar.”
The Missus went there one day. She spent nine hours getting her phone fixed. Yes, you read right. Nine hours. Imagine if they weren’t geniuses.
November 2nd: “I know, screaming baby in Mac store. I KNOW. But we need these people to help us. So we must breathe deeply and wait. I feel you though.”
That’s the Mac store’s new iBaby. Just reboot it and it will stop crying.
November 3rd: “24 hrs later-computer still broke, chocolate intake high, can’t wait for bedtime, just started 3 weeks worth of laundry. Ah..sweet Sunday.”
See? That’s the difference between a Mac and a PC. When a Mac breaks, it’s very complicated, but with a PC, it’s always sorta constantly broke and sorta working.
November 3rd: “I spent a fortune at Yankee Candle yesterday on candles to make my house smell like anything besides my dogs ass. He took it as a challenge.”
Hope you didn’t buy that “Dog Ass Scent” candle. It looks just like the Vanilla one.
November 3rd: “Ohmygod this first fall back day is never ending!”
Give it one more hour.
November 3rd: “Just lit my sleeve on fire reaching over a Yankee candle.”
Now it smells like burnt Greer.
November 4th: “Just lit my sleeve on fire reaching over a Yankee candle.”
Awww. Puppy!
Okay, let’s rate Judy’s tweets. I give her an 8 for Mustness, an 8 for Style and a 10 for Insanity. (She sounds pretty frazzled.) That’s an overall score of 8.6. Follow Judy. And don’t forget to watch Archer this January. Today they released this new sneak peek called Conflict Resolution.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.
Tony D visits the Reading Terminal for the delicious Scrapple Fest!
If your birthday is this week: Your birthday cake will be a part of a completely unbalanced breakfast, you fat fuck.
Aries: You will awaken from your candy coma and find that someone has stolen your Mario Brothers costume. It’s probably for the best.
Taurus: You will correct your boss at a meeting, but you’re totally right and totally fired.
Gemini: Turns out, Costco doesn’t have a valet, you’ve just been robbed by a very well-dressed and polite carjacker.
Lemini: This week, your money woes will be over just like everyone else that ends up in a morgue.
Cancer: You will win a spontaneous eating contest, but the people passing out samples in the mall food court have you thrown out anyway.
Leo: Justin Bieber will call you a douchebag, so it must be true.
Virgo: The stars say, don’t park in the first spot you see, at least drive to the front to see if anyone’s leaving.
Libra: You might still be sick because everyone in your office keeps asking why you didn’t take your zombie costume off from Halloween.
Scorpio: You will sex up a Pilgrim and finally get to unbuckle one of those hats.
Sagittarius: Don’t debate the next parakeet you see. He’s a ringer put there by the pet store to impress walk-ins.
Capricorn: The judge will excuse you from jury duty, mostly because you keep giggling every time someone says “duty”.
Aquarius: You will discover that you can’t get Kickstarter to buy you a pizza.
Pisces: The ghost of an Apollo astronaut will tell you in a dream where the secret moon gold is buried.
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Art of Webcomics
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Bad Pudding
Beta Male
Between the Realms
Black Tail and Marz
Bunny Wiggins
Capes and Babes
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Center Lane
Champion City Comics
City Folk, The Webcomic
Company Man
Convenience Store Diet
Corpse Run Comics
Crooked Frame Comics
Crunchy Bunches
Dairy Boy Comics
Damn Heroes
Destroyed by Robots
Dodgy Comics
Doug Lefler
Druid City
Fart Related Comics
Fatherhood. Badly Doodled
The Flavor Razor
The Funnicks
Game Cupid
Games Finder
Game Period
Gerbil with a Jetpack
Giving the Devil Her Due
The Hero Business
Hit Girlz
I, Mummy
Java Jaguar
Kick Man
LaSalle’s Legacy
Legacy Control
Modest Medusa
Ninja and Pirate
The Other End
Plan C
Robot Friday
Romantically Apocalyptic
Sluggy Freelance
Spirits of Suburbia
Tangent Artists
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The Devil’s Panties
The Dreamcatcher
The System
The Tales of Lev
Vinnie the Vampire
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Winter of Discontent
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Yesterday’s Popcorn
Zombie Boy Comics