Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is the hot and funny, Natasha Leggero. Let’s take a look at her tweets.
September 3rd: “I wish all the restaurants at LAX would release a cookbook so I could recreate some of these delicacies at home.”
Step 1: Cook food.
Step 2: Store it for two days over its expiration date.
Step 3: Serve.
September 3rd: “Watch Brickleberry tonight on Comedy Central with @danieltosh and me!”
An excellent show, by the way. Total recommend. And while we’re plugging, did I mention the bros appearing in the Miserable Comedians Kickstarter?
September 9th: “I’m in this “@Jeremykonner: #GhostGhirls is “far and away the best comedy of Yahoo!’s new fall crop” @Splitsider http://splitsider.com/2013/09/ranking-yahoos-5-new-comedy-shows-from-worst-to-first/ …””
Neat. I’m liking this and your new hot tub show.
September 13th: “My James Franco roast set unedited: http://tinyurl.com/lj37nrk”
Solid set. Like Sarah Silverman only talented and hot.
September 13th: “Dream man= Harry Styles mind in Assad’s body.”
Is it just my imagination or does that dude have a permanent starter stash?
September 13th: “tmblr.co/ZFEeVyuz2rzv”
That is the link to Natasha’s website.
September 13th: “All my minks are grass-fed.”
You are high maintenance, ‘tash.
September 13th: “What’s the most glamorous setting for an emotional breakdown?”
September 13th: “My dream is to be on the cover of O magazine.”
My dream is to see you on the cover of Oui magazine.
September 14th: “I think your 30’s is a good time to stop waiting in line for ice cream.”
Yeah, I could totally start pushing the little kids out of the way by then.
September 15th: “I can’t wait to sail to Europe with my second husband!”
Pool boy or assistant gardener?
September 16th: “I love a good Jjim Jil Bang.”
That’s like Korean bbq, only more naked and segregated.
3 hours ago: “Whoever is tattooing the permanent eyeliner on Simon Cowell’s eyes is doing a wonderful job.”
Ba-zing! Take that, formerly important celebrity.
Okay, let’s rate Natasha’s tweets. Solid. Good mix of material and some plugs. Plus a link to her new Youtube show, which sounds promising. I give Natasha a 9 for Insanity, an 8 for Mustness and a 10 for Style. She has a 9 for an overall score. I’m going to roll that up to a 10 because, ya know, she is pretty hot. Follow Natasha. You’ll laugh and have a boner!
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.