Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is comedian, Pete Holmes. He’s funny on stage, let’s check out his tweets.

September 5th: “”You’re losing your mojo… Didn’t… Didn’t you have an album called Mojo? Mojo, right?” ”
“Tom, while it’s true you make Steven Tyler look handsome by standing next to him, that’s no reason to hurt yourself.”
September 5th: “I do all my following drunk and my unfollowing hungover.”
Excellent policy that many people have embraced. It’s why I have 55 million followers.
September 6th: “”When I call your name say ‘omnipresent.'” – teacher to class full of Gods”
How could they be absent when they are everywhere?
September 6th: “New standup dates! NYC in October and Boston in November!! Check it! ”
Good to know. Check the dates, bros.
September 7th: “Hamm Drive. ”
Plus it’s Mad Men, so with the drinking it’s probably Rum Hamm Drive.
September 9th: “It was an honor to play one of my favorite movie characters playing one of my favorite movie characters!
Ha! Nice!
23 hours ago: “Having a crisis trying to figure out the plural of crisis…sees?”
23 hours ago: “No one on breaking bad follows the “no cell phones” criminal rule. McNulty would’ve caught Walter White season one.”
Yeah, no kidding. I noticed that last episode. Walter, what are you thinking?
7 hours ago: “What have I done to deserve this flat, flavorless manhattan?”
“Oh, great, the kiss of death. This is all I need.”
7 hours ago: “I should probably add “sometimes I randomly quote Simpsons lines for fun” to my twitter bio.”
“You’ll have to speak up, I’m wearing a towel.”
7 hours ago: “Up and at them. ”
“The goggles! They do nothing!”
7 hours ago: “100% of Americans thought the chorus to “How Bizzare” was “Help Is On.””
No, that was the Comcast parody song that’s in the background of the remote control instructional video.
2 hours ago: “What? ”
The still looks like Tom Petty and Bruce Lee.
Okay, let’s rate Pete’s tweets. Solid. Good mix of material, links and minimum plugs. I give him an 8 for Style, a 9 for Mustness and a 9 for Insanity. That’s an overall score of 9.6. Follow Pete.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.