If your birthday is this week: Your birthday prostitute will have to be returned. Unfortunately, she has no receipt.
Aries: You’ll get together with your hipster friends and do some hipster bullshit.
Taurus: The stars say get drunk, you’re way more fuckable that way.
Gemini: Your mail order marmoset business will be a failure, since not of the monkeys will willingly get inside the free shipping boxes Fed Ex uses.
Lemini: Your marmoset order arrives late and extremely angry.
Cancer: The Pillsbury Dough Boy will visit your place. You’ll discover he’s quite delicious when stuff with cheese and baked.
Leo: Someone with strike you with a better cellphone than the one you are currently using.
Virgo: You’re next dinner is on the house because they don’t make prisoners pay for their own meals.
Libra: A long, lost relative returns to borrow your car.
Scorpio: You prove that there is sex in the champagne room.
Sagittarius: You’ll watch several Internet advertisements and then forget what YouTube video you were trying to watch.
Capricorn: A campus security guard will beat you by mistake and then attempt to apologize by buying you a cake.
Aquarius: Your doctor starts the next visit by looking surprised and saying, “You’re still alive?”
Pisces: This week, you’ll experience ennui while in a drive thru.