Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus, where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is Ana Gasteyer, formerly of SNL. She does a funny Martha Stewart, let’s see how funny her tweets are.

April 24th: “I’m glad ‘Chillax’ is over. I thought it was passive-aggressive.”
God dammit, yes. Yes! It went out like that bitch, “TMI”.
April 27th: “Funny joke: how many cups of coffee does it take to get me to drags ass to the gym?”
One, if you sweeten it with Red Bull.
April 27th: “Parenting tip: if you want to get your kids ready to leave the house faster, relentlessly song ‘All That Jazz’ in a Billie Holiday voice.”
Yeah, anything my mother sang usually got me out of the house.
April 27th: “I’m jealous of everyone who still smokes.”
They do look cool with those stomas.
April 27th: “No sadder sight than a broken-down ice cream truck on the first warm day of spring ”
Probably sabotaged by fat children.
April 27th: “When exactly did music in elevators go out of fashion cuz I have absolutely nothing to make out to right now.”
It had to be done. You needed to be able to hear people farting so you could bail to the stairs.
April 27th: “The problem w/this ruffled shirt thing is that if my low ponytail were grey, I might be mistaken for a Declaration of Independence signer.”
You could do a very sexy John Adams.
April 28th: “I’m not doing that well on my New Year’s Resolution of feeling more positive about my lady humps.”
You could always do a sex tape.
April 29th: “Someone just approached me at the airport as Mrs. Shay. It’s all coming together. ”
Still never caught that show. Probably because it doesn’t feature puking videos or people getting shot in the face.
10 hours ago: “I love when the President says . It’s like when my dad first said ‘homeboy’.”
I’d like to see Jordan Peele match that.
Okay, let’s rate Ana’s tweets. Pretty genuine, minimum behind-the-scenes and some good comedy. Nice balance. I give her an 8 for Style, 8 for Insanity and 8 for Mustness. An overall 8, rock solid. Follow Ana.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.