If your birthday is this week: Your birthday party gets kicked up a notch when you break open the pinata that had the cocaine smuggled in it.
Aries: The stars say, you might want to have that mole checked because it’s a tick.
Taurus: You cat will lose his fight with your vacuum cleaner and you will have a lot of explaining to do at the vet.
Gemini: This week, make sure you shave. Will Sasso is going to put you in one of his videos.
Lemini: The Silver Surfer stops by your place and uses your bathroom. He stop up the toilet with silver turds and then deny it was him.
Cancer: You will discover that ordering M&M’s on your pizza is a bad idea.
Leo: This week, a Hooter’s waitress will offer to let you motorboat her chest if she can key your car. Seems like a fair trade.
Virgo: The mice in your kitchen will deliver a petition to you demanding healthier choices in your pantry.
Libra: You will discover that your hot dog cannon is accurate, but that your ammo cannot hold the relish at any speed.
Scorpio: You will make sweet love to what you later discover is your cousin and reinstitute your policy of carding everyone you bang.
Sagittarius: On 4/27 you’ll realize you missed an entire week’s worth of work. Happy 4/20!
Capricorn: You will discover that the unicorn you purchase is fake. It turns out, unicorns don’t rape you.
Aquarius: Your lifetime pass to Blockbuster has officially expired, partly because there is no more Blockbuster, but mostly because you’re a vampire.
Pisces: You will eat way more cheese than expected this week.