Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is Matt Mira, stand-up comic and one of the funny guys on the Nerdist. Let’s see how funny his tweets are.
March 15th: “RT @LAist: City Will Give Women Shot By LAPD During Dorner Manhunt $40K For New Truck http://bit.ly/Who0iu // They’re sooooooo generous.”
My thoughts exactly. You couldn’t give me 1000 trucks to be shot at like that.
March 15th: “Well, I’m going to hell for sure. Tonight’s @nerdist podcast is in a church. pic.twitter.com/i6P8OkjR5R”
Of course you’re not going to Hell. God needs nerds to run his IT department.
March 15th: “I just know I’m going to say something that will offend the stained glass people. Goddamn it. #NerdistLF”
Just go to confession on the way out, then you’re clear.
March 15th: “My third grade teacher was a nun, if she could see me now she’d know she was right. (Poor conduct, no ambition) #nerdistlf”
Oh, wait, you’re Catholic? Yeah, you’re going to Hell. Everything sends you to Hell if you’re Catholic.
March 17th: “RT @nerdist: CLARA. OSWIN. OSWALD. http://bit.ly/Z7TCCx //I’m not afraid of whatever Chris is protecting us from. I’m more in awe.”
On St. Patty’s Day? Must be leprechauns or Shamrock shakes that have come to life.
March 18th: “I bet they’d have better luck on Finding Bigfoot if they didn’t walk around with lighting/camera rigs in the dark. Or if Bigfoot was real.”
Everyone knows Bigfoot was captured by the Roswell aliens on a trip to Loch Ness. Read your paranoid history people!
March 18th: “Hey guy in Starbucks that just ordered a “spinach wrap with a extra 15 seconds”… STOP IT.”
I don’t blame you. With all the caffeine I have in my system at Starbucks, that 15 seconds seems like 15 hours.
March 19th: “It really seems like the world collectively got high and willed the Phil Spector movie starring Al Pacino and Helen Mirren to happen.”
No way! *google-google*. Holy shit! Yes! Wait a minute. Is this going to be good or only good ironically?
Okay, let’s rate Matt’s tweets. Solid behind-the-scenes, some decent jokes and pics. All positive stuff. I give him a 7 for Insanity, an 8 for Mustness and a 9 for Style. That’s an overall score of 8. Not bad at all. Follow Matt.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.