Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is comedian, actor and start of Key & Peele, Jordan Peele. He’s funny on his show, let’s check out his tweetness.

December 19th: “Today I’m shooting another episode of Children’s Hospital! The script is hilarious. Can’t wait to get in those navy Dr. Brian scrubs.”
Nice! More behind the scenes, I like it. Damn, every funny person gets to be on that show.
January 22nd: “Key & Peele: Dueling Hats. One if my favorite sketches. In case you missed it. http://youtu.be/i5ZM0-f5_CU”
Good sketch. If you haven’t seen the show, you really should. Rock solid sketches. Very funny.
January 24th: “SportsCenter Top 10 Stuart Scott using Key&peele East/West bowl names is ma shit! http://youtu.be/XzlpSUh89k4”
Aw, a shame he had to explain it. Almost ruins it.
February 3rd: “We had a blast in Flagstaff tonight. Thanks for being and awesome crowd NAU!!!”
Ah, that explains the lack of tweets. Busy and on the road.
February 3rd: “Just happy that today marks the last time we’ll have to hear the words “Game day bucket go boom.””
No idea.
February 13th: “Which East-West Bowl character’s last name would you most want on a jersey?”
Eeeee Eeeeeeeee
February 13th: “Joe Biden looks like John Boehner’s ghost.”
John Boehner’s ghost that keeps putting his foot in his mouth.
February 18th: “Today we are shooting an #epicrapbattle .”
February 20th: “I make a guest appearance on tonights The Mindy Project”
Man, I don’t know how he has the time to tweet.
February 24th: “I understand there is a #KeyAndPeele mini marathon on right now.”
When’s the new season? That’s what we want to see!
February 24th: “Oops, it’s already over. Guess it was more like a 400 meter dash. #insertbladerunnerjokehere”
Yeah, that’s what a clone would say. Oh, wait, you meant the other blade runner.
February 24th: “Daniel Day Lewis was so good as Abraham Lincoln it makes me want Denzel Washington to get the Oscar.”
DDL is a great actor, but c’mon, Lincoln? That had to be the easiest gig he ever took.
February 24th: “‘Amour’ looks like the French remake of ‘Batteries Not Included.'”
I think you saw the wrong trailer.
February 24th: “Bout to eat some Grape Pop Rocks pre-lunch son! #gangsta”
Choke down some soda wit dat!
February 25th: “Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2 ! our newest collabo #keyandpeele http://youtu.be/-6G6CZT7h4k”
These are fun. You should put it on K&P.
46 minutes ago: “My twitter account got temporarily hacked I guess. Dunno why, but those aren’t my german retweets.”
Verstanden. Das hat Sinn.
Okay, let’s rate Jordan’s tweets. Great behind-the-scenes, solid jokes, but a little too busy to put in the regular tweets. But hey, he’s a busy guy. I give Jordan a 6 for Mustness, an 8 for Style and a 9 for Insanity. That’s an overall score of 7.6. Follow Jordan and watch Key and Peele.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.