The pledgemaster is back. Time for him to lay down some judgement while he tries to nurse a Monday hangover.
Christopher Dorner: Not Fratty
Although the ex-LAPD member probably got screwed by the system, blowing away three people to prove your point doesn’t cut it. Whatever happened to a multi-million dollar lawsuit? And while you’re at it, how about spell checking your manifesto before you post.
The LAPD: Never Fratty
Being a cop pretty much ruins any chance of frattiness, but LA cops seem to go to a new level of dickishness. Like NYPD and Philly PD level.
The Celtics: Fratty
Winning seven straight and the last one in triple overtime? Very fratty. It almost makes up for lack of football.
Justin Timberlake: Kinda Fratty
Hey, my Myspace account was just sitting there. I’m glad someone figured out something to do with it.
The Walking Dead: Fratty, Then Not Fratty, Then Really Fratty, Now Not So Fratty
Just as it seemed the producers of the show figured out the complex structure of shooting zombies each week, the half season premiere (already a lame idea) goes backwards by making Rick do stupid and crazy shit. When is Breaking Bad starting up again?
The Grammys: Not Fratty
I think we all know why.
Snow: Not Very Fratty
Okay, maybe if you ski and snowboard. But let’s face it, we have machines for that sort of thing now. I need a foot of snow on the highway like I need a newspaper to tell me breaking news.
The Simpsons: Tapped Out: Fuckin’ A Fratty
I though iPad games were kind of stupid, until I downloaded this. Nice!
Facebook: No Longer Fratty
Besides changing the fucking interface every two weeks, Facebook has just become annoying. The Internet’s embodiment of TMI. I never thought I’d long for the days of a basic Facebook profile with just six pics. Now I have to get updates from every person I ever met. No, I don’t want to play Mafia Wars. No, I don’t want to see your pics from your trip to Cancun. My timeline is like an endless stream of information I completely ignore. Can we all just agree to move on and start over with Twitter until that turns into the next Friendster?
Jim Jefferies: Very Fratty
If you haven’t seen his comedy specials, see them. And definitely catch his new TV show, Legit on FX. He fuckin’ rules.