Ingredients: Two pounds of ground beef, 3 large eggs, 1 cup of bread crumbs, 1 red onion, 4 cloves of garlic, 1/2 cup cilantro, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of pepper, 1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce, 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, 10 kegs of beer, 1 case of Molson Canadian Light, 3 Irish car bombs.
Step 1: Throw Monday kegger. Frat brothers only.
Step 2: Drink tap kegs, get pretty hammered.
Step 3: Realize there’s no chicks or food at this kegger.
Step 4: Decide food is more important, check fridge for ingredients.
Step 5: Find package of ground beef. Decide meatloaf would be good.
Step 6: Recruit drunken frat brothers to cobble together other ingredients.
Step 7: Watch frat bros cut drunken fingers, assure blood will wash off onions.
Step 8: Crack eggs, assure that eggshell in meatloaf will “cook away”.
Step 9: Run out of beer, break out emergency case of Molson Canadian Light.
Step 10: Mix ingredients, realize no one washed hands all days. Say, “fuck it”.
Step 11: Shape stuff into meatloaf, throw in oven.
Step 12: Finish case of beer.
Step 13: Realize oven is not on. Take out meatloaf, preheat oven.
Step 14: Set up some Irish car bombs to drink. Put meatloaf in oven.
Step 15: Drink Irish car bombs.
Step 16: Vomit on self and pass out in hallway.
Step 17: Wake up to smell of something burning.
Step 18: Open oven. Find completely burned meatloaf.
Step 19: Realize it looks like a giant black turd.
Step 20: Place in toilet upstairs, set up video camera, wait for bro to react and create YouTube gold.