Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is Daily Show correspondent, Al Madrigal! He’s hilarious on the show, let’s see if his tweets are just as funny.

January 1st: “My kids asked Siri “what does a hedgehog look like?” next question was something no parent wants to hear, “Dad, who’s Ron Jeremy?””
Ouch. What a way to start the year.
January 3rd: “El Camino. RT @dan_dion Day 3 of 365 Days of #ComedianPortraits– Al Madrigal! @almadrigal @TheDailyShow pic.twitter.com/7TJeXVZ2”
Nice! A classic American auto. I can see it now. You driving around, solving mysteries, helping people move…
January 5th: “”Fatties falling off treadmills” premiering soon!! ”
Even better!
January 9th: “Tonight on @TheDailyShow I go to the motor city to talk a man about a bridge. Not just any man btw, THE man. #detroit @bergerworld”
Who’da thunk that bridge barons run that town?
January 10th: “Mo bridges, mo problems. http://instagr.am/p/UUZBFZqy4_/”
Detroit: The city that leaves you hanging.
January 11th: “Time to jump on the germ train. 2?s Can this virus work it’s way through gloves? & if you have this flu, stay the fuck home.”
Just do what I do. Bath in hand sanitizer, then burn you bath tub.
January 11th: “Two cheeseburgers!? Hunter S. Thompson’s Daily Routine Was Way More Intense Than Your Daily Routine http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/hunter-s-thompsons-daily-routine-is-way-more-int …”
When you do that much cocaine, you burn a ton of calories. He should really be eating six or seven.
January 12th: “Wow!! #49ers http://instagr.am/p/UaOFUJqy9H/”
Kiss them pythons!
January 13th: “Quentin Tarantino just used his 2nd peace sign early in the 1st quarter. Not good clock management. #goldenglobes”
Well, he didn’t drop the N-bomb, so that’s something.
January 13th: “Catherine Zeta Jones looks damn good for 65! #goldenglobes”
Okay, let’s rate Al’s tweets. Good behind the scenes, solid comedy and plenty of pics. I’m gonna let it slide that he’s a niner’s fan. So I give him a 7 for Insanity, 8 for Mustness and a 9 for Style. That’s an overall score of 8. Definitely follow Al.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.