Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus, where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is Amy Schumer. (Is it just my imagination or are female comedians getting hotter?) Anyhow, Amy killed on the Comedy Central roasts and The Burn, let’s see if she slays some tweets.

December 31st: “Happy New Year to all the comics working tonight. #thistooshallpass #dontcallyourex”
Hey, at least you weren’t home watching Netflix like the rest of us.
January 2nd: “”10, 9, 8, 7 …..” -The Real Housewives of Bev Hills right now”
When will crappy Reality TV go back to crappy sitcoms?
January 3rd: “Les Mis is no joke ”
Wolverine and Catwoman singing? I don’t know…
January 3rd: “Call of Doody #FailedVideoGameTitles”
Aw! How did I miss this hashtag? Ass Effect 3, Grand Cleft Pallet IV, Assassin of Creed, Halo and Goodbye, Womb Raider— This hashtag really writes itself.
January 4th: “”I’m the king of Seacaucus!” #AwfulFirstDraftDialogue”
Or most of the screenplay for Skyfall.
January 4th: “”Come on Heat!” -Miami fan or homeless person”
Solid joke. Wouldn’t open with it though.
January 5th: “I want to sincerely thank @KimWhiteMakeup for helping me learn how to look the best I can and for telling me when I’m being a c$nt ”
Yeah, guys aren’t going to do that until you’re over 40.
January 7th: “Lady Grantham is having a baby with Kevin Bacon #DowntonPBS #thiswomanswork”
My God, people are obsessed with that show. It must be like the English version of Breaking Bad.
January 7th: “How about #thingsyoudneverhearatDownton “Mary have you gotten some sun?” ”
Now that joke wouldn’t work in Breaking Bad.
January 7th: “”Hey Ethel! I love your new hat and your life choices!” #thingsyoudneverhearatDownton”
Also works with Hello Lucy reruns.
January 7th: “Hey @joederosacomedy @robertkelly @iamcolinquinn you guys all won a contest and you are going to HOLLYWOOD!!!”
Wow, what are the odds that three other comics would win her contest?
January 7th: “I’ll send in my avails”
I wouldn’t mind seeing her avails.
January 7th: “NYC is officially keeping @joederosacomedy but we are sending his act to LA @morgan_murphy”
Send nothing to L.A. It’s where creativity goes to die…and get paid.
19 hours ago: “Fuck yeah @DanSoder Killed on @ConanOBrien !!! ”
Hmm, she’s a bit of a comedy groupie.
8 hours ago via Arte Lange: “February 17 ANTI-SOCIAL COMEDY TOUR w/ @JimNorton @attell @amyschumer at Borgata in Atlantic City http://ev6.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventInfo?ticketCode=GS%3AGLOBAL-BORGATA%3ABOR13%3AEC0217%3A&linkID=global-borgata&shopperContext=&call … pic.twitter.com/oGAc6rVH”
Ooo, that sounds like an awesome line up. God dammit, I gotta see that show.
8 hours ago: “Well @realjeffreyross is killing on the view in the waiting room at my Gyno http://yfrog.com/hwhrsswj”
I’ll wait for the YouTube version. That way, someone will edit out everyone but Jeffrey Ross.
Okay, let’s rate Amy’s tweets. Plenty of behind-the-scenes stuff, which I enjoy, some jokes, minimum plugs— I give her a 7 for Insanity, a 9 for Mustness and a 9 for Style. That’s an overall score of 8.3. Well worthy of a follow.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.