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Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. I can’t believe I’ve missed Bill Burr’s twitter all this time. If you haven’t heard his stand up, you should. It’s pretty brilliant. Let’s see if his tweets match up.
October 21st: “Fun With History: Which has happened more? The Jets winning a SB or that Fireman Ed actually fighting a fire? ”
Ouch. Poor Jets. Guess there’s no Daily Show appearance for you now, Bill.
October 21st: “@billburr What happened more, you ruining Chappelle Show and making him quit or Giants beating Pats in the SB? ”
October 21st: (Bill’s Reply) “Game on!”
You have disturbed the Burr. Brace yourself.
October 21st: “No words to describe how much I hate the Patriots Old School Uniform. Is Tony Eason starting? ”
I gotta keep this Twitter in mind when I write Sports Guys.
October 21st: “Nice punt by Steve Grogan.”
How did one of the Manson Family get into the NFL?
October 21st: “Here comes the Pats DBs…..DOH JEEZUZ!!!! ”
My wife loves the Pats. Probably because she lived in Boston.
October 21st: “Pats DBs will save Sanchez’s career. #2GamesAyear”
Wish I knew more about sports so I understood that hashtag.
October 21st: “All Brady has to do is give our D a good 49 pt cushion and I think we can win it regulation. ”
He really does need Peter as his center.
October 22nd: “the Monday Morning Podcast is up!! …”
Ha! So bitter. I love it.
October 22nd: “the Monday Morning Podcast is up!! …”
Bill sounds a lot like a friend of mine who talks the same way. Started listening and couldn’t stop until the end.
October 22nd: “”Armstrong has no place in cycling…but the cheaters who ratted him out do.” #6MonthSuspensions #FuckinJoke”
That’s how they get ya. Ratting out your friends.
15 hours ago: “I hope South Park does a Lance Armstrong episode.”
Oh, yeah. I think that’s a done deal.
2 hours ago: “I count 16 power shots to 1. I’m score it a 10/8 round for Not Ed Hardy Shirt. ”
I imagine this is the physical manifestation of Bill’s verbal attack.
I love Bill. So angry! Let’s rate his Twitter. I give him an 8 for Mustness, a 9 for Style and a 10 for Insanity. That’s a score of 9 overall, but fuck it, I give him a 10 because I can. Follow Bill and more importantly, see his stand up.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.
Our pledgemaster may not have a major, a hope of graduating, clean underwear or a room that doesn’t smell like farts, but he does have a great sense of frat. Take heed! Your pledgemaster speaks!
Fratty: Season Three of The Walking Dead
Not sure which producer finally figured out that a zombie TV show should mostly center around killing zombie, but after two years, they figured it out! Yeah! Fratty!
Not Fratty: The Presidential Debates
The most boring fucking duel of all time. If they showed celebrity tits at the bottom of the screen the whole time, I still wouldn’t watch.
Probably Fratty: New James Bond
After the worst James Bond movie ever, word is the new one is most awesome. Don’t fuck with me on this movie people!
Kinda Not Fratty: Baseball
How many fucking times do I have to miss the Simpsons? There are sports channels for this shit!
Pretty Fratty: U.S. and Iran Agree to Peace Talks
It would be nice to avoid war with one country on this planet.
Not at All Fratty: Public Rampages
I’m not advocating suicide here, but if you’re going to take yourself out, please don’t take a bunch of innocent people with you. Or at least do something cool like fight crime and hunt serial killers until organized crime finally takes you out.
Kinda Fratty: Gourmet Hot Dog Places
Big surprise, fat guy likes food. But seriously, just spicing up the toppings or something is awesome. These gourmet sausages and toppings give me a food boner.
So Fratty: Chocolate Junior Tastykake
It’s the shit.
Not Fratty: George McGovern’s Death
It sucks.
Fratty: Poop Transplants
A medical miracle and a hilarious name.
If your birthday is this week: You will discover that you cannot train a seeing eye dog to spot just a C-cup or above.
Aries: Your delusional dog will climb atop his dog house and pretend that he’s flying an airplane. Time to put him down.
Taurus: You’re not part of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force just because you deep fried your hand once.
Gemini: Drilling into your drywall this week will cause it to bleed. On the upside, you find the previous owner of your house.
Lemini: Ben Franklin will appear to you in a time machine he built and ask you to purchase him some future porn.
Cancer: After being bitten by a radioactive prostitute, you will gain the power to stay on your knees indefinitely.
Leo: This week, you’ll live your life-long dream of taking a dump in the White House, but maybe next time, wait for a bathroom.
Virgo: The Jehovah’s Witnesses will stop by your house and urge you to become a Catholic.
Libra: Your deep fried turkey sets fire to your garage. Next time kill it before your try and dunk it in the hot oil.
Scorpio: Your dildo designer resigns due to work exhaustion.
Sagittarius: The star say, go ahead and take that candy bar. What’s the worst that could happen?
Capricorn: You’ll watch another episode of the Walking Dead, but still, no zombie clowns.
Aquarius: Turns out, the tent city you’ve been living in for your Occupy Wall Street protest is just a camp ground.
Pisces: You will have some delicious cookies and that girl will get a clear message from your Mafia buddies.
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