Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestants is one of my favorite comedians, Lewis Black! Let’s see if his tweets are as funny as his stand up.

September 15th: “I Love Milwaukee!”
You gotta eat at the Spy House. It’s the only thing in Milwaukee.
September 16th: “.”
Short, sweet and to the point.
September 19th: “John Bowman and I did a very fun podcast with Mark Metcalf, listen here – http://bit.ly/S5uKry”
Nice. Worth a listen.
September 20th: “Thanks much to Michael Cavna ( @comicriffs ) for the profile in the @washingtonpost Magazine. http://wapo.st/PKIQz4”
When will Lewis get his multi-million dollar movie deal is the question.
September 20th: “If you missed me @TheGreeneSpace this week, they’ve put it up on their site. Had a grt time w/Elliot Forrest so watch – http://bit.ly/PJuIcK”
Damn, Lewis, you’re everywhere these days.
September 25th: “Not registered to vote? Register here: http://bit.ly/rtvlblack with @HeadCountOrg. Deadline looms. http://twitpic.com/awns63 #925nvrd”
Yeah, don’t want to miss the crappiest election in U.S. history.
September 25th: “Thanks @mikeymusto for the interview in the @villagevoice http://bit.ly/RVJAHg”
Lewis Black on Broadway. Great. Now tickets are waaaaay expensive. I say, get yourself a pair of leather pants and do an Eddie Murphy style stand up movie.
October 3rd: “Will be on @CBSThisMorning, tomorrow, Thursday 10/4 sometime during the 8am hour.”
I’d be angry just to have to get up that early.
October 9th: “Last day to register to vote in 17 states Register here: http://bit.ly/rtvlblack with @HeadCountOrg.”
I’m sure Dancing with the Stars has more registered voters.
1 hour ago: “On @TheDailyShow tonight. 11pm Comedy Central.”
Kickass. I’m so watching that.
Okay, Lewis isn’t doing much ranting on Twitter, but let’s face it, it’s hard to get up a good head of steam with just 140 characters. I give him a 7 for Style, a 5 for Insanity and a 6 for Mustness. That’s only a 6, but he is one of my favorite comics, so fuck it, I give him a 10. Follow Lewis.
And if you has a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.