Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is one of my favorite cartoonists, Bill Amend from Foxtrot! His strip is hilarious, let’s see if his tweets match up.
September 21st: “So I went to my local Apple store after dinner to see the iPhone 5 and there was a %#&*ing line to get into the store STILL.”
For the prices they charge, there should be no line. Or at least waiter service with the line.
September 22nd: “My son’s 7 billion simultaneous anime bittorrents are messing with my weekly Springsteen YouTube fest. Tempted to cut a certain cat6 line.”
But where will he get tentacle porn then?
September 22nd: “For those suggesting QoS/throttling as a solution, I’m pretty sure my Airport base station won’t let me do that.”
Wow, I’m pretty nerdy and I have no idea what you said.
September 23rd: “”Wait… What happened to my totem bar?!” http://bit.ly/SeoD4g #foxtrot”
Take that WoW!
September 23rd: “Love this Scott Pilgrim themed marriage proposal… http://bit.ly/SepX7e (via reddit)”
Ah, yes. Soon there will be the sound of tiny padawans running about.
September 23rd: “Cool! RT @Chasingsol: Yay, you’re on the front page of MMO-Champion! http://bit.ly/TnmcUj !”
I thought I was nerdy, then I read this feed.
September 24th: “Haha I was just in WoW trying to clear bag space before the xp and someone in trade chat asked if anyone else had seen today’s FoxTrot.”
I imagine if I could draw, I would be a lot like Bill.
September 25th: “Launch night! Panda town here I come! pic.twitter.com/m8PJmUpA”
The happiest place on Earth…unless you’re broke. Then it’s just depressing.
September 30th: “Two words for you, Jason: Plastic sheeting. http://bit.ly/QDi3rV #foxtrot”
Heh. Nice.
October 3rd: “Woohoo I went to B&N and they had my new AAAA! book on display! Not really “diary fiction,” but whatev. pic.twitter.com/R7elEBKL”
Good deal. I’ll have to stop by and read it over a latte. That’s conveniently located on the way to the bathrooms.
October 6th: “Jealous that my daughter gets to take the SAT today and I don’t. I know, I’m weird.”
Oh to be 17 again.
Okay, let’s rate Bill’s tweets. I give him a 9 for Style, 8 for Mustness and a 10 for Insanity. That’s an overall score of 9. You gotta follow Bill, if only to get the scoop on the latest Foxtrot stuff.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.