Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus, where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is actor and filmmaker Mark Duplass, who plays Pete on The League. And if you haven’t seen The League, you totally should. It’s one of the funniest shows on FX. Let’s see if Mark’s tweets stack up.

September 3rd: “BELABOR DAY is my favorite holiday. Because it’s awesome. And it rules. And it’s great. Oh, and it’s the best.”
I call Labor Day Weekend, Dragon Con Weekend.
September 3rd: “9/3/12 @netflix rec: THE CONVERSATION. Coppola’s moody/quiet thriller stars Gene Hackman in top form. So much integrity here. #netflix365”
You gotta love Hackman and Coppola.
September 4th: “THE LEAGUE Season 4 premieres Thu 10/11 @ 10:30pm on FX! @theleaguefx @SteveRannazzisi @duplaselton @nickkroll @jonlajoiecomedy @paulscheer”
The League is hilarious.
September 5th: “9/4/12 @netflix rec: AMORRES PERROS. Alejandro González Iñárritu + Gael García Bernal broke out in this gritty, well-made drama. #netflix365”
Movie reviews on the twitter. A good use of the account.
September 6th: “9/5/12 @netflix rec: THE AFRICAN QUEEN. Bogey + Hepburn. John Huston. War. A big boat. Good dialogue. What else do u need? #netflix365”
A classic…that I haven’t seen in it’s entirety. Mostly because it would always be on at like 4pm on a Sunday when I was visiting relatives and in between stuffing my face I’d catch five to seven minutes.
September 6th: “Pablo Escobar was slightly overweight, had a huge moustache, and was somehow still sexy as balls. hm…”
It’s default sexy when you can have anyone killed by tilting your head a certain way.
September 7th: “9/6/12 @netflix rec: THE TWO ESCOBARS. Fantastic 30 for 30 doc on 2 unrelated Escobars who changed Columbia via drugs + soccer. #netflix365”
I think you need another tweet for that.
September 7th: “If apple made something called the iShower I’d probably buy it without even knowing what it actually did.”
I imagine it would be a shower that could also download music and various soaps.
September 8th: “9/7/12 @netflix rec: THE THING (1982). Kurt Russel, his beard, John Carpenter, Morricone’s score, an evil force… fuck yeah. #netflix365”
Yes! I spit on the remake/prequel. Carpenter and Russel at their best.
September 8th: “kills me to know there’s an exact number of times someone has loudly farted while performing KING LEAR and i can never know that number.”
And now that Sir Lawrence Oliver is dead, we’ll never know.
September 8th: “once upon a time, people had “home phones” that were stuck to the wall with a chord. u couldn’t even take ’em outside. fucked up.”
You’re freaking out the 20-something’s.
September 8th: “9/8/12 @netflix rec: SLUMS OF BEVERLY HILLS. This tragicomedy about a troubled 1970’s LA family is a perfect combo of funny/sad. #netflix365”
Eh. Can’t get into tragicomedy. I say, go one way or another. Depress me or make me laugh.
September 9th: “are Tevas coming back any time soon?”
I think only Andre would know.
September 9th: “9/9/12 @netflix rec: BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD DO AMERICA. Mentally impair yourself with your vice of choice. Sit back. Laugh hard. #netflix365”
Another good one, Idiocracy. Very underrated flick.
September 10th: “9/10/12 @netflix rec: DAYS OF HEAVEN. My favorite Malick film. Patient, poetic, gorgeous portrait of trouble on the run. #netflix365”
Just read the synop, that sounds pretty awesome.
3 hours ago: “ever remember something really embarrassing you did and your body blurts out a small, uncontrollable grunt in protest? yeah. me neither.”
Eh. I mean, no.
1 hour ago: “9/11/12 @netflix rec: MARLEY. Relax tonight w/a lovely doc about a lovely man who smoked lovely weed and made lovely reggae. #netflix365”
Oh, yeah! We jammin’!
Okay, let’s rate Mark’s tweets. I definitely enjoy the film talk and reviews. Would like to see more behind-the-scenes. I am a big fan of he and his brother’s films: Cyrus and Jeff Who Lives At Home are pretty awesome. I give him a 6 for Insanity, a 9 for Mustness and a 10 for Style. That’s an overall score of 8.3. Mark is one to follow and don’t miss The League on FX.
If you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.