Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus, where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is Mr. Bob Odenkirk! One of the funniest guys alive and a recently new Twitterer. Let’s see what he has to tweet.
July 16th: “Is Charlie Sheen gone? Good. Let’s begin.”
Now hold up, Bob. You’ll have to show us your pornstars before you can take his place.
July 16th: “Milt Romney’s new campaign slogan “I Got Mine” will backfire…a rare misstep on his part.”
You know, at this point, if they put “Milt” on his bumper stickers, it’s a small mistake by comparison.
July 18th: “Hey, look, I writ something http://m.newyorker.com/online/blogs/shouts/2012/07/a-vision-of-the-future.html …”
Ooo. New Yorker. Fancy.
July 20th: “On Fallon tonight. Will The Roots let me sing? Better question; can they stop me…”
If only they could stop Jimmy.
July 23rd: “Mr Show fans check out TODAY’S Comedy BB podcast! The whole gang returns!! http://www.earwolf.com/episode/breaking-bread/ …”
Ooo, nice. Like Mr. Show radio.
July 25th: “I have a short film in this issue of the online magazine “The Occasional” check it out – its called “Read My Screenplay””
Aw, not online? Oh, well. Guess I’ll have to get an iPad.
July 30th: “Visiting Lincoln’s tomb w my kids today. It was so solemn, so quiet that you could hear the dilly bars being digested