If your birthday is this week: You will see that episode of America Dad you always see. You know the one.
Aries: You finally chat up that chick from your History class. Turns out, she’ll date anyone that can get her some meth.
Taurus: You’ll think the people in Starbucks are trying to get you, but it turns out you’ve just had way too much cappuccino.
Gemini: Your speech will kill at your sales meeting, mostly because your fly will be down.
Lemini: Don’t eat the roasted pig at the BBQ. No one checked it for ticks.
Cancer: You’ll get pulled over by a cop. He won’t give you a ticket, but you will have to read his screenplay.
Leo: Jesus returns to Earth this week and stops by your house, but only to use your bathroom.
Virgo: You will be mugged by a guy in a college football mascot costume.
Libra: You will borrow your roommate’s college football mascot costume.
Scorpio: You will invent a new kind of porn, so rare and so disgusting, that not even you can get off on it.
Sagittarius: Your mailman will insist that everyone on his route has to reach in his pocket to get their mail.
Capricorn: The ghost of JFK will visit your girlfriend and bang the shit out of her.
Aquarius: You’ll finally come out of that alcohol-induced coma from Oktoberfest. Get a beer and celebrate!
Pisces: You will discover that describing your Dungeons & Dragons character makes for poor conversation at your dinner party.