Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus, where media comes to die. Sorry for the late post. Today’s contestant is famed director Judd Apatow. His movies and TV shows are awesome, let’s see if his tweets stack up.
July 3rd: “New family rule– no cursing, unless it is funny. Genuinely funny.”
In my family, no cursing unless you’re really pissed off.
July 3rd: ““@NialPerry918: @JuddApatow My dream is to get a tweet from you, I WILL NOT GIVE UP !” get a new dream.”
Don’t normally post the responses, but that’s a pretty good one.
July 4th: “I am interviewing Ram Dass later today. Seriously. Any questions you want me to ask. Save your jokes for tweets about my back hair.”
Did you interview him naked?
July 12th: “Sometimes super happy. Sometimes super down. Maybe it is twitter detox. No phone with me for a few weeks. Am I happier? iPad next to go!”
Usually they call that being bipolar, but tomato/tomato.
July 14th: “Update on not tweeting or having a phone for a few weeks. I like it. Have some distance. Maybe I need to unplug. Feels like the sane choice”
Looks like someone is about to pull a Nick Offerman.
July 14th: “Not sure what I am missing. I like good links. Nice people. But my brain gets too addicted. Even this tweet is a slip! A shot at midnight”
Are you playing the Twitter drinking game? Every time you tweet, do a shot. Every time you get a message, do a shot. Pretty much you just do shots and drunken tweet.
Okay, let’s rate Judd’s tweets. Sounds like he has one foot out the door. It’s a shame, his tweets are pretty good. Responsive to the fans, funny. Would love to see some more behind-the-scenes stuff. That being said, I give him a 6 for Insanity (unless he starts doing shots and tweeting, then higher), a 7 for Mustness and a 9 for Style. That’s an overall score of 7.3. Hey, you gotta follow. How would you know when the Freaks and Geeks Reunion finally is announced?
If you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.