Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s tweeter is Rashida Jones, formerly of the Office, currently of Parks & Rec. She’s funny on the show, let’s check out her tweets.
April 26th: “Oh snap, I just joined Twitter! Got convinced by my friends here at #NewFront”
Don’t do it! Do what Nick Offerman did!
April 26th: “Looking for suggestions of who to follow on Twitter. Criteria: someone funny, someone smart, someone fascinating. #alloftheabove”
Courtney Love. She’s still my favorite account.
April 27th: “Feeling pressure about my third tweet. Wanted it to be monumental. #twitterjitters http://pic.twitter.com/XCo3CUjB”
Cute pic. Let’s face it, Rashida is pretty hot.
April 30th: “I’m sorry to say I will not be on Jay Leno tonight. Home sick with strep throat, grrrr. But watch it for the inimitable @stevemartintogo!”
Perfect. Another reason to miss Leno.
May 3rd: “Watch the all new/all nude Parks and Recreation tonight @ 9:30 on NBC!! #Knope2012”
The season finale was pretty killer. Paul Rudd just nailed it.
May 7th: “On the way to Met Ball w @brooklyndecker and @toryburch. Photo credit goes to @azizansari. http://pic.twitter.com/f1UEcD6L”
Hot chicks always hang together. That is one limo full of hotness.
May 7th: “Just met Ben Stiller at the Met Ball!! So excited!!! http://pic.twitter.com/RUrpx8Sv”
Shh! No one correct her or she’ll have to go on his show!
May 11th: “Season Five Pickup for Parks and Rec!!! City Council, bitches!!!!”
Nice! I have to go back and watch the earlier seasons when you dating Chris Pratt. How did I miss those?
May 12th: “At callbacks for Cats: The Movie… http://pic.twitter.com/sOHkF8X5”
Really? And you have to do your own make up too? Tough audition.
May 14th: “Working up the courage to use Twitter for my idle musings and glib observations. I feel like the sober late-arriver at a raging party.”
Just keep posting pictures of yourself and your hot friends. Can’t go wrong.
May 18th: “I would like to apologize to myself for taking too long to get down with Lil Wayne’s full body of work. So much lost time. #ThaCarterIII”
It’s a very large body of work. I know. I wrote trivia questions about him.
May 18th: “Do you think our world’s leaders will leave the G8 Summit concluding that “Eurozone” is better boy band name than a region?”
They haven’t admitted failure on anything yet, why start now?
May 19th: “Some days all I want to do is wear pajamas and live life slow. #SlickRick”
That’s pretty much what I do as a freelance writer.
May 20th: “Bradley Grouper? #CelebrityFish”
May 21st: “Come on, London restaurant . Make me work a little harder to turn menu items into childish sexual innuendo. http://pic.twitter.com/thrbaNL3”
Nicely done. I think you’re getting Twitter just fine, Rashida.
Okay, let’s rate Rashida’s tweets. I give her a 10 for Style, an 8 for Mustness and a 7 for Insanity. That’s an overall score of 8.3. A definite follow, especially if you are a P&R fan, which you should be.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.