If your birthday is this week: Your mom will love her Mother’s Day gift and it’s so thoughtful for you to get her new nipple tassles for work.
Aries: Your mom won’t appreciate being taken out for dinner on Mother’s Day and the hot dog vendor won’t honor his coupon.
Taurus: You will discover that you can put a price on a mother’s love and it’s under $40.
Gemini: The flower shop guy will tell you to tell your mom to stop by and pick up her expensive bra that she left at his place.
Lemini: The stars say, what your mom really wants for Mother’s Day is for you to stop being a failure.
Cancer: You will discover your experiment is more successful than you think when it makes you a Mother’s Day card.
Leo: You will buy your mother what she asks for every holiday; meth. At least she didn’t ask for this drug.
Virgo: Your mom finally admits that she won you in a card game.
Libra: You will have a pleasant visit with your mom and all the keepers at the zoo will say that she continues to behave.
Scorpio: For once, your mom doesn’t return your Mother’s Day gift. But then again, you can’t return a gigolo.
Sagittarius: You’ll realize your mom is not who you think it is and now that Martha Stewart finally has a restraining order, the timing couldn’t be better.
Capricorn: For once, your mom visits you on Mother’s Day. But then again, zombies always return to familiar surroundings.
Aquarius: You will get your holidays confused, but that’s okay. You mom loves drinking green color Guinness.
Pisces: You’ll spend a happy day with mom because those cops are still too stupid to find her.