Holy Shit, bros!
Welcome-to-Twitter-in-Focus-where-media-comes-to-die. Holy Shit! Mick Foley is not only on Twitter, he’s doing stand up! For those of you that live under a pop culture rock, Mick Foley also wrestled under the name Cactus Jack and Mankind. He’s just about the nicest guy you’ll ever meet and way talented. Let’s see if his tweets are just as full of talent!

April 15th: “My blog is going to have to wait until my new @WWE book deal is finalized. Too important to blow on someone like @thedeanambrose #verucasalt”
Another book? Look at this guy. I think if Ernest Hemmingway were alive, he probably would’ve wrestled a few years.
April 15th: “This Dec 2010 promo with me & Flair seems to be where the entire Ambrose philosophy comes from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0wkla4E6a8”
April 15th: “I heard @thedeanambrose had an original thought once..and it died of loneliness. #poorveruca :(”
Who would start a Twitter fight with Mick? Crazy. The man isn’t afraid of diving onto barbed wire, what makes the Twitterverse think it can win an argument?
April 15th: “Was Ric’s promo real @ekelsall ? I think all the best promos come from a place of truth. Pretty sure he meant every word of it..as did I.”
Of course it’s real. Real entertaining!
16 hours ago: “Very cool of you to not bother me at the movies @TipTheZack . The Lorax has been my favorite Seuss book to read to my kids for many years.”
Hard to post a lot of his tweets, only because many of them are responses to the fans. Mick is always about the fans. I saw him at a comic book show giving away his autograph and I was just blown away. 9 times out of 10, people of his stature charge money. That was pretty generous of you, Mick. Nice!
7 hours ago: “My new blog, AN ANSWER FOR AMBROSE is up at http://mickfoley.typepad.com/mickfoley/2012/04/i-tried-to-upload-a-video-but-was-not-successful-so-here-is-a-short-synopsis-of-what-i-had-to-say-1-looks-like-the-new-w.html I will not acknowledge him for the rest of this month. #poorveruca”
Ha! I don’t know the whole story, but that last quote is awesome.
6 hours ago: “Almost forgot – BIG comedy shows THIS Thurs and Fri in Eastern PA with @TheRevBobLevy . For info and tickets, go to http://www.realmickfoley.com/events-3/”
Here’s a little clip of Mick behind the mic.
4 hours ago: “Best of luck with the JAM FOR AUTISM on April 19th in Westbury, NY @deesnider – WISH I could be there! http://www.livenation.com/event/0000478D9CA08CD7”
Okay, let’s rate Mick’s tweets. I give him a 10 for Insanity (and if you’ve ever seen him wrestle, you’d know why), a 9 for Mustness and a 10 for Style. That’s an overall score of 9.6. Gotta follow Mick! He’s the man! (and the Mankind).
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.