Tony D is back and this time he’s going to Laurel Springs in the day.
Tony D is back and this time he’s going to Laurel Springs in the day.
Bros, welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. This is a special Friday TIF after Wednesday’s snafu. Denis is funny, let’s see if his tweets match up.
February 24th: “1st Ever TWEETROAST! Sun night laugh yer ass off during the Oscars. Follow @tweet_roast and use #tweetroast to join in”
Shit. A reason to watch the Oscars and I missed it.
February 24th: “Ryan Braun is guilty. Of looking like @NickDiPaolo ‘s son.”
They both look like Ray Romano’s cousins.
February 26th: “Oscar Fact: Meryl Streep prepared for Iron Lady role by wearing a strap-on for 6 1/2 months. #tweetroast”
February 26th: “#tweetroast Oscar Fact: more people will see this tweet than ever saw Tree Of Life.”
February 28th: “Santorum nightmare: I’m a pro-choice college-educated lapsed Catholic & tho I ain’t Satan I’m pretty sure him & me r 2nd cousins.”
I say, go an heckle him. Call it a “surprise roast”.
February 29th: “Bobby Valentine says no more booze in Red Sox clubhouse. Bright side: at least security won’t have to worry about Sean Young showing up.”
You should do what we do in Philadelphia. Just taser people that get out of hand.
February 29th: “I believe in a seperation of Rick Santorum and the constitution.”
I’d invest heavily in the Canadian housing market if he somehow wins.
6 hours ago: “Where I come from you win the paper airplane contest when you hit the math nun in the eye.”
In public school, if you don’t draw blood it doesn’t count.
Okay, let’s rate Denis’s tweets. He’s having fun with, interacting with the fans and his friends. Love the Oscar roast thing. Can’t fault him for no behind-the-scenes as he has no TV show right now. I give him a 7 for Style, an 8 for Insanity and a 7 for Mustness. That’s an overall score of 7.3. You gotta follow Denis. I hope he goes back to roasting people. Always enjoyed that.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.
Real: Windows 8 First Look and First Touch
Rewritten: Blue Screen of Death Now One Wrong Finger Away
Real: Former Coach: Tiger Woods Considered Leaving Golf for Military
Rewritten: Tiger Woods Thought he Could Bang More Chicks as Marine
Real: Snooki is Pregnant!
Rewritten: MTV Cuts Condom Budget on Jersey Shore
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Rewritten: Egypt Seriously Fucks Traveler’s Vacation
Real: What Would a Playboy Club Look Like in Space?
Rewritten: Scientist Theorize the Best Way to Get Whores to Astronauts
D’oh! Sorry bros. My Twitter in Focus disappeared for some reason. Rather than rush it, look for it later in the week. I should have a bonus Rewritten Headlines soon.
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