Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is movie star and human Muppet, Jason Segel. Jason is funny in the movies, let’s see how funny his tweets are.

March 5th: “We don’t even know each other and you guys want me to be happy. I’m not being sarcastic at all when I say that actually means a lot.”
Aw, it’s just a big love fest on his Twitter.
March 5th: “Holy moly guys. The past hour or so of how kind you guys are to me is not lost on me for a second. I will try to pay it back somehow ASAP”
Keep making the funny, bro. Be one of those few stars that turns down shitty movies even though the money is awesome.
March 5th: “@rickygervais let’s not get carried away with “role model” but you surely remind a young dude that the only way to make it is to work hard.”
Gervais? I see buddy movie!
March 5th: “Are we about to have some sort of wild west comedy tweet standoff? No one wins in this situation. Except me. But I was just saying thanks.”
Jason really jams in the maximum characters in every tweet.
March 5th: “@rickygervais I love that somehow the mutual admiration society or at least the one side admiration society is viewed as a twitter fight”
Oh, Twitter fans. Relax.
March 5th: “Well that was easy. I’m never saying thank you again. It spawns a 2 million person jail brawl for some reason. Anyway, you’re the best ever”
Leave Jason alone Twitter. Remember, he’s not afraid. He fought the Hulk.
March 5th: “Almost a million of us now. Wanna see something cool? Call a friend. Say something nice and mean it even if it feels dumb. It’s rad.”
You mean like, “You’re a handsome asshole.”
March 8th: “Tonight was the Jeff Who Lives at Home premiere. You guys will be proud of me. Go see it if you have the chance. I do acting.”
That looks good. I think I will go see it.
March 8th: “My previous philosophy was just to make a face that matches the words I’m saying, but the brilliant Duplass bros made Ed helms and I act.”
Ed Helms. Also no slouch. Cedar Rapids was the best movie of 2011.
March 8th: “@rickygervais just said it was the best movie he has has ever seen. What an amazing compliment. Thank you so much man. It means a lot.”
He’s just trying to start another Twitter fight.
March 8th: “Ok, goodnight guys and thank you again for always being so cool to me. Jeff comes out the 16th and I really think you’ll dig it. It’s great.”
Check out the trailer here.
March 10th: “a very very happy birthday to my amazing kid sister @alibaby90 – I’m very lucky to have such an amazing sister and friend.”
Aw, that’s nice.
Okay, let’s rate Jason’s tweets. Pretty timely, definitely heartfelt and a little behind the scenes. A really good mix. I give him a 9 for Mutness, an 8 for Insanity and a 10 for Style. That’s an overall score of 9. Follow Jason, bros.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.