Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus, where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is a true comedic genius, Albert Brooks. Probably best known as Hank Scorpio on The Simpsons and brother to Super Dave.
May 14th: “That’s why preview has nudity RT @motech: finally downloaded a preview on iBooks. And….. then I bought it. Was too good to delete :”
Can’t wait for the video game.
May 15th: “I thought Murdoch hated me. RT @new_york_post: News: Required Reading: 2030 by Albert Brooks (St. Martin’s) http://nyp.st/jWE3p3”
Hate you? After all you did for The Simpsons movie?
May 15th: “Just bought a car from a guy who thought the world was going to end this Saturday. Best deal I’ve ever gotten.”
No, way! This Aztec guy just sold me his house!
May 16th: “Amazon sold out of book, on re-order. Not since Oral B electric toothpick has product moved this fast.”
Cool. A Brooks book.
May 16th: “Breaking News: Trump announces he won’t run. Also announces he won’t fly or walk on moon. Still debating sex change.”
Damn. He had a shot at flying.
7 hours ago: “Book signing tonight 7 p.m. at the Grove. People coming from Chicago should leave now.”
Dammit. I would’ve had to have gotten this tweet three days ago.
2 hours ago: “Was there ever a moment where Maria Shriver said, “This is the greatest guy I’ve ever met”?”
Maybe right after Terminator 2.
Okay, let’s rate Albert’s tweets. I had to cut out a lot of his response tweets, which were also pretty funny. Garry Shandling and Paul Feig were amongst his respondents. I give him a 6 for Insanity, an 8 for Style and a 10 for Mustness. That’s an overall score of 8. Brooks is a genius and you should always follow a genius. That’s why Stephen Hawking has that restraining order against me.
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.