Hey Bros!
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die! This week’s contestant is the legendary, Seth MacFarlane, creator of some of my favorite cartoons: Family Guy, American Dad and the Cleveland Show. His toons are epic. Let’s see if his tweets match.
April 14th: “To every future co-worker’s daughter ‘til the end of time: no thanks, I would not like to buy some Girl Scout cookies.”
What? Not even thin mints?
April 15th: “Not enough people writing hit poems.”
Well, you know how the poetry circuit ruins poets. Cocaine, groupies, late nights, the booze— It’s the lifestyle.
April 15th: “#FF @TheBiggIdea. He’s the one guy who works for me who’s never tweeted a joke about Japan.”
Yeah, tweeting jokes about Japan’s disaster is wrong. On the upside, now that sushi comes pre-microwaved, maybe more people will eat it.
April 15th: “RT@RedStatePolitics:Rich people are assholes for being rich, but they deserve tax cuts so they can stay rich and be continue to be assholes.”
If I could afford a better education, I’m sure I’d see the airtight logic in that.
April 15th: “It seems the older Charlie Sheen gets, then more he looks like the Decepticon logo.”
I could see it now, Two and a Half Decepticons: Megatron, Starscream and their nephew/son, Soundwave all living in a Malibu beach house.
April 15th: “RT @joshsdugger: it seems like the more you tweet the unfunnier you guy. // Is this today’s “Jumble”?”
Yeah, this is why I analyze tweets rather than post them. It’s also why I hitchhike instead of drive.
April 15th: “I bet there’s one guy in every airport ground crew who can’t turn his orange stick on without making a lightsaber sound.”
I got $20 says this is going to be a cut away on Family Guy. It’ll be the same guy, in a parody of the Star Wars kid, and he probably damages the plane. Probably add some kind of reference to Southwest.
April 16th: “China is allowing the sale of small, airtight keychains that contain live animals– an atrocity on par with cat juggling. #NavinJohnson”
They’re probably not alive very long if its airtight. Unless they consider mold a live animal.
April 17th: “Unfortunately at no point during my workday does anyone ever have cause to shout my name and then toss me a sword.”
That’s only because Orcs rarely attack Los Angeles.
April 18th: “”I made your bed. Now would you like me to un-make it?” – turndown service”
Man, I think the turndown service is coming onto you, bro.
April 18th: “RT @RepPaulRyan: In my plan, the elderly won’t just die alone on sidewalks. People will probably stop and watch.”
As a Libertarian, I’m outraged no one will be charging the spectators.
April 18th: “Thor is like every other superhero, only beardier.”
I’m just glad they didn’t cast Zach Galifianakis, apparently the only other guy in Hollywood with a beard.
April 18th: “I would not have wanted to use a bathroom after John Wayne.”
Who wants to use a bathroom after anyone else uses it? If I could cut my used bathroom off my house and install another like a roll of toilet paper, I would.
April 18th: ““When kids run away from home, gay stuff happens.” –Peter Pan, in tweet form”
Fun Fact, the Stonewall riots actually started in Neverland.
11 hours ago: ““Wouldn’t it suck to be homeless? Come try it.” — campgrounds”
Yeah, sleeping on the ground is not my thing either.
Okay, let’s rate Seth’s tweets. He’s got some solid material, a plug here and there and retweets. I give him a 7 for Insanity, an 8 for Mustness and a 10 for Style. That’s an overall score of 8.3. Gotta follow Seth. You can read all his tweets in Peter’s voice!
And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.