Hello bros! Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today, I’m very excited, our contestant is Simon Pegg. He’s hilarious, but will his tweeting be just as funny? I’m betting yeah. Let’s find out.
October 3rd, 1:10pm: “You’re not the only one to encounter that mask. Check out my dog Minnie. http://twitpic.com/2udju0”
That’s a good mask and I’m impressed your dog has the income to purchase it.
October 3rd, 1:20pm: “Meant to DM that but since I gaffed, it’s the beast from Creepshow, in Greg Nicotero’s office at the KNB workshop in Van Nuys, CA.”
Oh, yeah. I thought I recognized it. I saw Tom Savini at a convention once. He had carved down a Creepshow bust into a Boris Karloff Mummy. He offered to sell it to me, but I didn’t have the cash.
October 4th, 2:58am: “Good morning. Back to UK 2day for a month of promo for Burke & Hare, Nerd Do Well and Fable 3. Sorry in advance if I repeat stories.”
Damn Simon. You’re multimedia.
October 4th, 4:58am: “”Thou shalt not use poetry art or music to get into girls’ pants. Use it to get into their heads.” #greatlyrics @scroobiuspipyo”
But the pants come afterward, right?
October 4th, 2:20pm: “Mother, Father. I’m home.”
Wow, you’re parents are on Twitter? My folks can barely turn the computer on.
October 4th, 3:53pm: “Frank Miller’s Year One, sorry. That was a disgraceful gaffe.”
The most disgraceful gaffes are the comic book ones. Believe me, I know.
October 4th, 3:55pm: “I’m actually blushing. I’m going to delete it so no one else sees it but you guys can kick my ass for a few more days. *Leaves Twitter*”
Ah, no wonder I can’t find the reference.
October 4th, 3:56pm: “*comes back in* I did know that. I have a leather bound version autographed by Frank Miller. *leaves again*”
Really nice guy. I interview him once after Kirby died. He was so upset. I had no idea he was so close to the old master. I apologized profusely.
October 4th, 4:20pm: “*re-enters* It’s like when you come out of the loo and your skirt’s tucked into your knickers. Wait, what have I said? *leaves indefinitely*”
Kilt, you meant to say. Kilt.
17 hours ago: “RIP Norman Wisdom. Mr Grimsdale breathes a sigh of relief, twiddles his fingers, realizes that his life is now curiously empty.”
That’s Sir Norman to you.
16 hours ago: “What shall I do today? Think I might curl up with Enid Blyton’s War and Peace. #foreverashamed”
Ah, I get it. It’s kind of like saying, “I’m going to now read Dr. Seuss’s War and Peace.”
16 hours ago: “Look I’m not going to dwell on this, the humiliation isn’t eating my soul but to be fair I had just re-read the Killing Joke. *fights tears*”
Good comic. I especially enjoyed Alan Moore’s The Last Superman Story.
16 hours ago: “Speaking of comics, got issue 77 of The Walking Dead to look forward to later. Expecting Kirkman to pull the rug out again soon. Sadist.”
And the show’s coming up as well. Looks hot.
14 hours ago: “There is The Killing Joke! Yes! Heat’s off me!!! RT @anticybr: It’s… it’s ok, man. An Alan Moore Batman would’ve been totally awesome.”
Did you read John Byrne’s Batman/Superman thing? Takes him through hundreds of years. It’s awesome.
9 hours ago: “The Burke & Hare trailer is here. Enjoy. http://bit.ly/b0vPeU”
Nice! You can’t go wrong with putting corpses in your movies.
5 hours ago: “Loved Banksy’s Exit Through The Gift Shop. A beautiful onion of intrigue. Will stay with me for days. Thanks Banksy. Thanksy.”
Looks cool.
4 hours ago: “Wooaah Dad, time to change that oil!”
You really should call your parents directly. Tweeting like this, and they’re likely to miss it.
Let’s rate Simon’s tweets. I give him an 8 for Style, a 6 for Insanity and a 10 for Mustness. This is an overall score of 8. Definitely, a follow. And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.