The Game Mentor is back with sage advice for fatties.
The Game Mentor is back with sage advice for fatties.
Hey Bros! Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is Marshal Mathers, AKA: Eminem. Let’s see if he tweets as well as he raps.
May 24th, 8:07pm: “See the Recovery album covers first at #recovery”
That must’ve been a while back. Now there is the video.
There’s a lot of superhero imagery in Eminem’s stuff. Very Superman in this music video. Let’s skip a few tweets that pimp this link and go to…
Jun 8th, 6:04pm: “Here’s the back cover of Recovery… June 22nd. #recovery”
Good luck with the new album. It’s a lot more serious than this one, which is a favorite of mine.
June 13th, 12:14am: “You can pre-order Recovery on iTunes now. Both a regular version and a deluxe version with bonus tracks. #recovery”
Sorry, I’m stuck in the 90’s with my CD player.
June 13, 12:18am: “We got Wayne’s verse filmed before he went away luckily. Gotta shoot the rest of a “No Love” video real soon. Keep your head up Weezy!”
Weezy?! My friend Donna loves Weezy!
June 13th, 12:55am: “People in the LA area should stay tuned here tomorrow afternoon… I’m giving away some tickets to Monday’s Activision event.”
Cool, do we get a copy of Pitfall with that?
June 13th, 4:55pm: “First 20 of you to Undftd. on La Brea in Los Angeles get a pair of passes to tomorrow night’s Activision event. Go now.”
Dude, you should shoot a video at the tar pits. That would be cool.
June 13th, 5:08pm: “Yes, I will be performing at the Activision event…”
Well, sure. I assumed that.
June 13th, 5:41pm: ‘Last pair at Undftd. on LaBrea. I’ll give away some more tomorrow.”
Aw, man. If only I was in L.A. and it was last Sunday.
June 14th, 3:37pm: “Ok… First 20 of you to Undftd. in Silverlake get a pair of passes to tonight’s Activision gig at Staples Center. I’ll be there. Go!”
It’s kind of like a radio station give away, only we don’t have to humiliate ourselves.
June 14th, 5:22pm: “Silverlake Undftd. Passes are long gone.”
Yeah, and just like the radio giveaways, I never win.
June 14th, 6:13pm: “Ok. Last 20 pairs of passes for tonight’s Activision event will be at Undftd. in Santa Monica. Go now.”
Damn, Em. Can’t you tell us what you had for breakfast or any other boring mundane aspects of your life? It’s Twitter. You don’t have to keep giving away your profits. Although it’s nice you do.
1 hour ago: “Vince for EmWOW! Check it out, uncensored.”
Ha, ha! Nice! I gotta post this! Did he work for money or prostitutes? I’m just askin’.
1 hour ago: “We also have a 2 minute version for later this week.”
Nice, I’ll look for it. Like the cameo in Funny People by the way.
Okay, let’s rate Eminem’s Twitter. He’s pretty relentless with the promoting (like I should talk). Guess he’s just not that in to the Twitter thing. I give him a 4 for Style, 6 for Insanity (he is Eminem afterall) and 5 for Mustness. That’s an overall score of 5. Pretty much a fan only twitter, I would say. Still, there’s lots of reason to be a fan of Eminem if you haven’t heard his stuff.
And if you have a suggestion for the next Twitter in Focus, email us here.
This is serious, bros. I don’t want to live in a world that doesn’t have a continuous stream of free Internet porn, videos of skaters hurting themselves and pictures of hot female celebrities getting drunk or stumbling out of a limo with no underwear.
Hey Bros!
Whew! What a weekend in Philly! I was witnessed to the great resurrection of the Philadelphia Comic Con (formerly Wizard World Philly). My buddy, Spat, gets much of the credit, as he has turned what used to be a convention that seemed to be run by indifferent corporate jackholes to a convention that really integrates the fans and has a fun atmosphere. I’m actually looking forward to next year! I forgot my pledge stuff on the first two days, so only a few pledges, but we did see quite a few of the old bros! Thanks for coming out and supporting us!
Brother Solitary
Brothers Maxwell House and Quick Draw
Harley Quinn stopped by to smash me in the face with a hammer.
Behold! The Iron Man Pimp Cane! Can the Iron Hos be far behind?
Special thanks to Jesse for capturing me in this heroic pose.
Addanac City
A Dog’s Life
Adriana Game Over
Ahoy Earth
Art of Webcomics
Bad Oranges
Bad Pudding
Beta Male
Between the Realms
Black Tail and Marz
Bunny Wiggins
Capes and Babes
Cat and Cat Comics
Center Lane
Champion City Comics
City Folk, The Webcomic
Company Man
Convenience Store Diet
Corpse Run Comics
Crooked Frame Comics
Crunchy Bunches
Dairy Boy Comics
Damn Heroes
Destroyed by Robots
Dodgy Comics
Doug Lefler
Druid City
Fart Related Comics
Fatherhood. Badly Doodled
The Flavor Razor
The Funnicks
Game Cupid
Games Finder
Game Period
Gerbil with a Jetpack
Giving the Devil Her Due
The Hero Business
Hit Girlz
I, Mummy
Java Jaguar
Kick Man
LaSalle’s Legacy
Legacy Control
Modest Medusa
Ninja and Pirate
The Other End
Plan C
Robot Friday
Romantically Apocalyptic
Sluggy Freelance
Spirits of Suburbia
Tangent Artists
Teaspoon Comics
The Devil’s Panties
The Dreamcatcher
The System
The Tales of Lev
Vinnie the Vampire
Wayward Raven
Winter of Discontent
Woo Hooligan!
Yesterday’s Popcorn
Zombie Boy Comics