Black parody film.
Cedric Yarbrough as a pimp.
Nearly steals movie.
Black parody film.
Cedric Yarbrough as a pimp.
Nearly steals movie.
Hey bros:
Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die. Today’s contestant is a media double whammy because it’s CNN’s Rick Sanchez. Rick is pretty hilarious, but usually in that unintentional way the news anchors are. Still, he takes it all with good human. Let’s see if his tweets are just as funny.
February 25th, 12:03pm: “obama said 80 percent, harvard study closer to 70 percent, bankrupt’s because of health”
Not a hilarious start, but at least you’re on top of the facts, Rick. Of course about 20% of people won’t be able to afford the government healthcare anyways. I hope you got good healthcare, especially after you did this.February 25th, 12:19pm: “i’m going to share ur stories on air begin at 1 p est, what are they? how are you affected?”
Isn’t that kind of like asking, “Hey, I gotta book report on Moby Dick tomorrow. Someone summarize for me and how it affected them.”
February 25th, 12:20pm: “i’m not interested in how much you hate obama, or hate GOP! i want real issues, more personal better”
Jeez, Rick, you tweet to your mother with that twitter? How much are we getting paid to do all your work? I got health insurance bills, remember?
February 25th, 4:28pm: “if i get on soon, i’m bringing in ron paul live.”
Awesome, ask him to explain what a meter is.February 26th, 10:50am: “*frp* Ron Paul (R-TX) & Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) join Nat’l Convo 2day w/their take on Health Care Reform & Broken Gov’t”
Go Ron Paul. Nice Rick.
February 26th, 11:33am: “*frp* Was health care summit a success? Were the interests of the American people best served? What u think? call Hey Rick 877-742-5751”
Dude, I can’t call you every day with my opinion. It’s how I lost my job the first time and now can’t afford health insurance.
February 26th, 12:15pm: “how many of you are getting sqeezed by insurance?”
Is there anyone that actually has a GOOD deal on insurance?
February 26th, 1:07pm: “*FRP* Today Rick’s looking 4 hardship stories: financial, med., trouble w/ (BROKEN?) govt., family, etc Keep short, maybe will read on air”
Yeah, keep your story of heartache and bankruptcy tight, please. Geez, dude. Do you pay for these stories or what? These people need money.
February 26th, 2:10pm: “ – *VIDEO* Rick previews today’s RICK’S LIST. NY Gov. Paterson live event at 3PM ET. Rick explains why we care.”
Wait, who is typing this now? And what do you mean by “we”? Do you mean CNN? Rick’s staff? Or “we” the collectively we of everyone reading?
February 26th, 5:09pm: “great show, thanks for playing”
What? Are you hosting a game show in between the, like, 20 hours of show you do a day?
March 1st, 10:34pm: “*frp* results from Obamas 1st physical as POTUS. Doc advises him 2 “cont. smoking cessation efforts.” @ElizCohenCNN joins Rick 2day @ 3ET.”
Yeah, I gotta say, that smoking thing is a big one. He should really quit or at least get Dick Cheney to start. Nah, that’s mean. That’s just a joke, Dick, don’t shoot me in the face.
March 1st, 2:58pm: “pres chol high, needs to stop smoking, but hey, what do you think”
What interesting response do you expect from this question? I think the president ended the wars and brought the troops home, he’d have enough money to fix the economy and wouldn’t chain smoke like a compulsive gambler in A.C.
March 1st, 2:59pm: “expect live pics from chile, i will translate incredible moments”
Dude, that sounds weird. It’s like you’re editing the news for us. You know you can use up to 140 letters.
9 hours ago: “*frp* DNC chair Tim Kaine also on today. Talking Bunning & Obama’s HCR plan. Hey Rick line open 877-742-5751”
I get the impression that Rick sends similar text messages to his interns. I know maybe he doesn’t intend it this way, but they sound kind of demanding, don’t they?
8 hours ago: “@elizcohencnn: Can a person really be addicted to sex? Tune in to @ricksanchezcnn 4pm today. I interviewed a man in recovery for sex addiction.”
Hello ratings!
Rick, I gotta say, it feels like you’re too busy to tweet. I’m sensing maybe your producers forced you into doing it. Then you’re in such a hurry, but then you don’t tweet on the weekends. You gotta relax. Let the tweets come as they may. Tell us what sandwich you’re eating or if you saw a squirrel outside your window. You’re already on TV, you don’t have to pimp that hard.
Okay, let’s rate Rick’s tweet. I gotta give him a 4 for Style (seems a little disconnected), an 8 for Insanity (I think its crazy to be that busy and force yourself to tweet) and a 6 for Mustness (I sense there is some gold here, but you may have a lot of pimp tweets before you get to them.) That’s an overall score of 6, not bad, Rick.
And if you have a contestant for Twitter in Focus, Email us here.
Our panelists are back in an issue that’s in the headlines. Well, virtual headlines, anyway. Net Neutrality. Who will win?
I didn’t expect much from The Crazies, but it turned out to be a top notch horror movie. The basic premise, the water in a small town in Iowa becomes contaminated. It slowly starts turning the population nuts and somewhat homicidal.
It’s hard not to give spoilers without giving away some of the movie, but I think you already know that the government quarantines the entire area and it soon spirals out of control. Director Breck Eisner is a master of pacing. The movie starts slow and then is rolling down hill by the end. Great ending too, another sign of a good scary movie.
Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell as the sheriff and town doctor have really good chemistry together. The thing I really like about it is that most of their decisions are very logical. You’re not throwing your hands up going, “What the Hell are you going in there for?!” every five minutes.
The sheriff’s wife is hot! No wonder he goes back for her.
Characters are set up and then situations pay off down the road. You also feel for these characters because you get to know them as people before most of them all go nuts. Unlike zombie movies, which sometimes have a relentless, numbing pace, The Crazies balances the characters avoiding the crazies, the soldiers and just trying to survive.
It’s been a long time since I was scared in a movie, but this movie really had some good scares. Some nasty stuff happens too, but it’s not an over-the-top torture gorefest. It’s scary because of the situations, not the blood.
I give the Crazies 8 out of 10 keggers. Go see it bros!
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