A mini-series based on a murder in the early 1980’s starring Jessica Biel doing the serious actress thing. #Candy #JessicaBiel #truestory The Pineys Book 8 Two Odysee/Bitchute/Rumble Exclusives Daily! Odysee Bitchute: Rumble Pork Roll T-shirt Piney Power T-shirt! Hollywoke: Another […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Screenwriter’s Rant: Kids in the Hall Trailer Reaction
by tonyd on April 16, 2022 at 1:43 amThe Canadian sketch show is back with its original cast and it looks to be okay. Hopefully, not woke. #KidsintheHall #comedy #sketchshow The Pineys Book 8 Two Odysee/Bitchute/Rumble Exclusives Daily! Odysee Bitchute: Rumble Pork Roll T-shirt Piney Power T-shirt! Hollywoke: […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…