A guy makes friends with the new neighbor, but it all goes wrong. #Friendship #PaulRudd #TimRobinson The Pineys Book 16 Piney Power T-shirt! Pizza Pillow! Two Odysee/Bitchute/Rumble Exclusives Daily! Odysee Bitchute: Rumble Hollywoke: Another Novel The Pineys Books 1-16 Wokeistan: […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Screenwriter’s Rant: Operation Undead Trailer Reaction
by tonyd on February 26, 2025 at 12:37 amIt’s a wartime zombie movie set in 1941 in Taiwan and the Japanese unleash a bio weapon on enemy soldiers. #OperationUndead #zombie #reaction The Pineys Book 16 Piney Power T-shirt! Pizza Pillow! Two Odysee/Bitchute/Rumble Exclusives Daily! Odysee Bitchute: Rumble Hollywoke: […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…